• 中華民國 113 年 05 月 19 日 星期日

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書 名:The dying experience :expanding options for dying and suffering patients /
作 者:LiPuma, Samuel H.,1962-
合著作者:DeMarco, Joseph P.,1943-
出 版 項:London, U.K. :Rowman & Littlefield International,c2019
稽 核 項:xiii, 249 p. :ill. ;23 cm
I S B N:9781786608574 (hbk.)
I S B N:9781786608581 (pbk. : 108年度教育部獎補助) :(NT$972)
I S B N:9781786608598 (ebk.)
附 註 項:Includes bibliographical references (p. 229-243) and index
附 註 項:Death and dying: history and contemporary issues -- A brief history of death and dying -- The emergence of bioethics: landmark cases in hastening death: 1950-present -- On death: when is a person dead? -- Hospice and palliative care -- The hospice and palliative care movements -- The right to assisted death and the success of palliative care -- On hastening death: old and new perspectives -- Euthanasia and assisted suicide -- Expanding the use of physician assisted suicide for people with progressive dementia disorders: why impending and inevitable dementia should qualify -- The morality and legality of hastening death -- Cultural attitudes and specious arguments regarding the dying experience
標 題 項:Terminal care--Moral and ethical aspects
標 題 項:Right to die
國會分類:R726.L57 2019
書名 The dying experience : expanding options for dying and suffering patients /
作者 LiPuma, Samuel H.,
出版項 Rowman & Littlefield International,
標題項 Terminal care;Right to die;Moral and ethical aspects
分類號 179.7

The dying experience :expanding options for dying and suffering patients /Samuel H. LiPuma and Joseph P. DeMarco.--London, U.K. :.--Rowman & Littlefield International,.--c2019 (1146928)
註記 館別/館藏地 登錄號 分類號/作者號 圖書狀況
預借 台北海洋科技大學/通識淡總 010019756 179.7/L767 在館中


Adult palliative care for nursing, health and social care /edited by John Costello.--Los Angeles :.--SAGE,.--c2019