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書 名:The digital gaming handbook /
合著作者:Dillon, Roberto.
版 本:1st ed.
出 版 項:Boca Raton, FL :CRC Press,c2021.
稽 核 項:xvii, 407 p. :ill. ;25 cm.
I S B N:9780367223847 (hbk. : 110年度教育部獎補助) :(NT$4879)
I S B N:9780367513764 (pbk.)
I S B N:9780429274596 (ebk.)
附 註 項:Includes bibliographical references and index.
附 註 項:Analyzing games with the AGE and 6-11 frameworks / Roberto Dillon -- Designing player interdependence to enhance players' social experience in multiplayer games / Katharina Emmerich -- Game accessibility : getting started / Thomas Westin, Ian Hamilton, Barrie Ellis -- Gamification for good : addressing dark patterns in gamified UX design / Ole Goethe -- The social media game : how gamification shapes our social media engagement / Dayana Hristova, Barbara Goebl, Suzana Jovicic, Thomas Slunecko -- Games for health / Andres Adolfo Navarro-Newball -- F2P mobile game design fundamentals / Simon Rozner -- Evergreen game design principles / Roberto Dillon -- Architectural spaces and level design in modern games / Christopher Totten -- Encouraging and rewarding repeat play of storygames / Alex Mitchell -- How we make mobile work : an indie perspective / James Barnard -- The development and UI design of an interactive game map / Tomasz Zawadzki, Slawomir Nikiel, Korneliusz Warszawski, Slawomir Krezel -- Challenges in designing and implementing a vector based 2D animation system / Jiang Jie, Seah Hock Soon, Liew Hong Ze, Chen Quan -- Best practices in pixel art / Cindy Lee -- Making sound decisions in game audio / Gwen Guo -- Making it real / Justing Ng, Andre' Pong -- Player locomotion in virtual reality games / Andrey Krekhov, Katharina Emmerich -- Working everywhere and nowhere : rules for a virtual office / Allan Simonsen -- A short summary of mobile games' history / Simon Rozner -- Retrogaming as a form of digital preservation : a cultural and technological approach / Marco Accordi Rickards, Micaela Romanini, Guglielmo De Gregori -- Diversity in games : how and why? / Alayna Cole.
標 題 項:Computer games.
標 題 項:Computer games--Design.
標 題 項:Computer games--Social aspects.
標 題 項:Video games.
標 題 項:Video games--Design.
標 題 項:Video games--Social aspects.
國會分類:GV1469.15 .D545 2020
書名 The digital gaming handbook /
作者 edited by Roberto Dillon.
出版項 CRC Press,
標題項 Computer games.;Computer games;Computer games;Video games.;Video games;Video games;Design.;Social aspects.;Design.;Social aspects.
分類號 794.8

The digital gaming handbook /edited by Roberto Dillon..--1st ed..--Boca Raton, FL :.--CRC Press,.--c2021. (1156819)
註記 館別/館藏地 登錄號 分類號/作者號 圖書狀況
預借 台北海洋科技大學/數遊淡總 010020553 794.8/D574 在館中

