• 中華民國 113 年 05 月 05 日 星期日

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書 名:Foreign policy issues for America :the Trump years /
合著作者:Mansbach, Richard W.,1943-
合著作者:McCormick, James M
出 版 項:Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ;Routledge,c2019New York, NY :
稽 核 項:ix, 243 p. :col. ill., col. maps ;25 cm
叢 書 項:Routledge studies in US foreign policy
I S B N:9780815394020 (hbk.)
I S B N:9780815394037 (pbk. : 108年度教育部獎補助) :(NT$1017)
I S B N:9781351186872 (ebk.)
附 註 項:Includes bibliographical references and index
附 註 項:America's decline, President Donald Trump, and the global liberal order / Yale H. Ferguson and Richard W. Mansbach -- American foreign policy making : institutions and individuals in the Trump administration / James M. McCormick -- A poor China might be more dangerous than a rich China / Hassid -- Expanding Chinese influence and China-U.S. relations / Yale H. Ferguson and Richard W. Mansbach -- Realpolitik : U.S.-Russian relations and the emerging political order / Scott Feinstein and Ellen B. Pirro -- The arctic : an emerging area of conflict / Lana Obradovic and Bethany Vailliant -- The winds of change : Europe and the United states / Ellen B. Pirro -- Crossing borders : U.S. foreign policy in Latin America / Ignacio Mamone and Amy Erica Smith -- America and the Middle East / Richard W. Mansbach -- Nuclear weapons : a new arms race? / Kirsten Taylor -- America's energy transition and the global environment : paradigm shift and policy challenges / Yu Wang -- Trump and terrorism : a major focus of foreign policy / Ellen B. Pirro -- Failed and fragile states : the unfinished agenda / David Carment, Mark Haichin and Yiagadeesen Samy -- Is weak cyber security an existential threat? / Steffen W. Schmidt -- Trump's challenges in international political economy / Mark D. Nieman -- Prospects for America : an eroding global order and American decline? / Richard W. Mansbach and James M. McCormick
標 題 項:Trump, Donald,1946-
標 題 項:National security--United States
標 題 項:World politics--21st century
標 題 項:United States--Foreign relations--2017-
國會分類:JZ1480.F66 2019
書名 Foreign policy issues for America : the Trump years /
作者 edited by Richard W. Mansbach and James M. McCormick
出版項 Routledge,
叢書項 Routledge studies in US foreign policy
標題項 National security;World politics;21st century;United States
分類號 327.73

Foreign policy issues for America :the Trump years /edited by Richard W. Mansbach and James M. McCormick.--Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ;.--Routledge,.--c2019 (1146922)
註記 館別/館藏地 登錄號 分類號/作者號 圖書狀況
預借 台北海洋科技大學/通識淡總 010019750 327.73/F714 在館中


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