• 中華民國 113 年 05 月 06 日 星期一

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書 名:Marc Davis :in his own words, imagineering the Disney theme parks /
作 者:Docter, Pete
合著作者:Merritt, Christopher
合著作者:Davis, Marc,1913-2000.
版 本:1st hardcover ed
出 版 項:Los Angeles :Disney Editions,c2019
稽 核 項:2 v. (749 p.) :ill. (chiefly col.), facsims. (chiefly col.), ports. (chiefly col.) ;27 x 31 cm
I S B N:9781484755754 (hbk. : set : 109年度教育部獎補助) :(NT$3950)
附 註 項:Includes bibliographical references (p. 740-746)
標 題 項:Davis, Marc,1913-2000--Criticism and interpretation
標 題 項:Imagineers (Group)
標 題 項:Amusement parks--Design and construction
國會分類:NC1766.U52D63 2019
書名 Marc Davis : in his own words, imagineering the Disney theme parks /
作者 Docter, Pete
出版項 Disney Editions,
標題項 Amusement parks;Design and construction
分類號 741.58092

Marc Davis :in his own words, imagineering the Disney theme parks /Pete Docter, Christopher Merritt.--1st hardcover ed.--Los Angeles :.--Disney Editions,.--c2019 (1151727)
註記 館別/館藏地 登錄號 分類號/作者號 圖書狀況
預借 台北海洋科技大學/數遊淡總 010020141 741.58092/D637 v.1 在館中
預借 台北海洋科技大學/數遊淡總 010020142 741.58092/D637 v.2 在館中


Aquatic center marketing /Judith Leblein Josephs.--Champaign, IL :.--Human Kinetics,.--c2019
Visitor attractions and eventslocations and linkages/Adi Weidenfeld, Richard Butler and Allan M. Williams.--New York, NY.--Routledge
Ship-shaped offshore installations :design, construction, operation, healthcare, and decommissioning /Jeom Kee Paik..--2nd ed..--Cambridge, U.K. ;.--Cambridge University Press,.--c2022.
The dory book /by John Gardner ; illustrated by Samuel F. Manning..--Guilford, Conn. :.--Lyons Press/Mystic Seaport Museum,.--2022.