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書 名:Why am I afraid to tell you who I am?(Insights on self-awareness, personal growth and interpersonal communication)
作 者:Powell, John,1925-2009.
出 版 項:Chicago,Argus Communications[©1969]
稽 核 項:167 pages :illustrations (some color) ;19 cm.
叢 書 項:Peacock books
I S B N:0913592021 (paperback)
I S B N:9780913592021 (paperback)
附 註 項:Understanding the human condition -- Growing as a person -- Interpersonal relationships -- Dealing with our emotions -- Human hiding places : methods of ego defense -- Catalog of games and roles.
標 題 項:Interpersonal relations.
標 題 項:Self-perception.
標 題 項:Self Concept.
國會分類:HM132 .P66 1969
杜威分類:301.1 .P884
書名 Why am I afraid to tell you who I am? (Insights on self-awareness, personal growth and interpersonal communication)
作者 Powell, John,
出版項 Argus Communications
叢書項 Peacock books
標題項 Interpersonal relations.;Self-perception.;Self Concept.
分類號 301.1
ISBN 0913592021

Why am I afraid to tell you who I am?(Insights on self-awareness, personal growth and interpersonal communication)by John Powell..--Chicago,.--Argus Communications.--[©1969] (1154956)
註記 館別/館藏地 登錄號 分類號/作者號 圖書狀況
預借 台北海洋科技大學/淡總館 010019935 301.1/P884 在館中


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