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書 名:Pixar and the aesthetic imagination :animation, storytelling, and digital culture /
作 者:Herhuth, Eric,1983-
出 版 項:Oakland, Calif. :University of California Press,c2017
稽 核 項:xii, 240 p. :ill. ;23 cm
I S B N:9780520292550 (hbk.)
I S B N:9780520292567 (pbk. : 108年度教育部獎補助) :(NT$814)
I S B N:9780520966055 (ebk.)
附 註 項:Includes bibliographical references (p. 221-232) and index
附 註 項:Aesthetic storytelling: a tradition and theory of animation -- The uncanny integrity of digital commodities (Toy story) -- From the technological to the postmodern sublime (Monsters, Inc.) -- The exceptional dialectic of the fantastic and the mundane (The Incredibles) -- Disruptive sensation and the politics of the new (Ratatouille)
標 題 項:Pixar (Firm)
標 題 項:Toy story (Motion picture)
標 題 項:Monsters, Inc. (Motion picture)
標 題 項:Incredibles (Motion picture)
標 題 項:Ratatouille (Motion picture)
標 題 項:Animated films--Psychological aspects--United States
標 題 項:Motion pictures--Aesthetics
國會分類:NC1766.U52P58349 2017
書名 Pixar and the aesthetic imagination : animation, storytelling, and digital culture /
作者 Herhuth, Eric,
出版項 University of California Press,
標題項 Animated films;Motion pictures;Psychological aspects;Aesthetics;United States
分類號 791.4334

Pixar and the aesthetic imagination :animation, storytelling, and digital culture /Eric Herhuth.--Oakland, Calif. :.--University of California Press,.--c2017 (1144065)
註記 館別/館藏地 登錄號 分類號/作者號 圖書狀況
預借 台北海洋科技大學/數遊淡總 010019597 791.4334/H545 在館中


Animation in Europe /Rolf Giesen..--1st ed..--Boca Raton, FL :.--CRC Press,.--c2023.
Sketching for animation :developing ideas, characters and layouts in your sketchbook /Peter Parr.--London, UK :.--Bloomsbury Academic,.--2018
Auditioning for film and television :a post #MeToo guide /Nancy Bishop..--3rd ed..--London, UK :.--Methuen Drama,.--c2022.
Projection design for theatre and live performance :principles of media design /Alison C. Dobbins..--New York, NY :.--Routledge,.--c2022.
Recovery and well-being in sport and exercise :interdisciplinary insights recovery and well-being in sport and exercise /edited by Michael Kellmann and Jürgen Beckmann..--New York, NY :.--Routledge,.--c2022.
Video game level design :how to create video games with emotion, interaction, and engagement /Michael Salmond..--London, UK :.--Bloomsbury Academic,.--c2021.
Designing objects in motion :exploring kinaesthetic empathy /Kensho Miyoshi..--Basel, Switzerland :.--Birkhäuser,.--c2021.
The arts and their interrelations /by Thomas Munro..--[Revised and enlarged edition]..--Cleveland :.--The Press of Western Reserve University,.--1967.
堅決克制: 美國大戰略= The art of war in an age of peace: U.S. grand strategy and resolute restraint /歐漢龍(Michael O'Hanlon)作; 尤采菲翻譯.--初版.--臺北市 :.--政務辦公室, .--2024.03
RV vacations /by Christopher Hodapp and Alice Von Kannon..--7th ed..--Hoboken, N.J. :.--John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,.--c2023.