• 中華民國 113 年 05 月 19 日 星期日

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書 名:The moving image workshop :introducing animation, motion graphics and visual effects in 45 practical projects /
作 者:Freeman, Heather D
出 版 項:London, UK ;Fairchild Books,c2016New York, NY :
稽 核 項:288 p. :ill. (chiefly col.) ;28 cm
I S B N:9781472572004 (pbk. : 108年度教育部獎補助) :(NT$1078)
I S B N:9781472571991 (ePDF)
附 註 項:Includes bibliographical references (p. 272-273) and index
標 題 項:Animation (Cinematography)
標 題 項:Animated films
國會分類:TR897.5.F73 2016
書名 The moving image workshop : introducing animation, motion graphics and visual effects in 45 practical projects /
作者 Freeman, Heather D
出版項 Fairchild Books,
標題項 Animation (Cinematography);Animated films
分類號 777.7

The moving image workshop :introducing animation, motion graphics and visual effects in 45 practical projects /Heather D. Freeman.--London, UK ;.--Fairchild Books,.--c2016 (1144052)
註記 館別/館藏地 登錄號 分類號/作者號 圖書狀況
預借 台北海洋科技大學/數遊淡總 010019584 777.7/F855 在館中


Drawn to life :20 golden years of Disney master classes /Walt Stanchfield ; edited by Don Hahn..--2nd ed., revised & expanded ed..--Boca Raton, FL :.--CRC Press,.--c2024.
Drawn to life :20 golden years of Disney master classes /Walt Stanchfield ; edited by Don Hahn..--2nd ed., revised & expanded ed..--Boca Raton, FL :.--CRC Press,.--c2024.
Animation in Europe /Rolf Giesen..--1st ed..--Boca Raton, FL :.--CRC Press,.--c2023.
Sketching for animation :developing ideas, characters and layouts in your sketchbook /Peter Parr.--London, UK :.--Bloomsbury Academic,.--2018