• 中華民國 113 年 05 月 19 日 星期日

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書 名:Innovations in digital branding and content marketing /
合著作者:Das, Subhankar,1981-
合著作者:Mondal, Subhra Rani,1983-
出 版 項:Hershey, PA :IGI Global,c2021.
稽 核 項:xxii, 311 p. :ill. ;27 cm.
叢 書 項:Advances in marketing, customer relationship management, and e-services (AMCRMES) book series,
I S B N:9781799844204 (hbk. : 110年度教育部獎補助) :(NT$4917)
I S B N:9781799852797 (pbk.)
I S B N:9781799844211 (ebk.)
附 註 項:"Premier reference source"--Cover.
附 註 項:Includes bibliographical references (p. 271-305) and index.
標 題 項:Advertising--Research.
標 題 項:Internet marketing--Research.
標 題 項:Marketing research--Technological innovations.
國會分類:HF5814 .I46 2020
杜威分類:658.8/72 I58
書名 Innovations in digital branding and content marketing /
作者 [edited by] Subhankar Das, Subhra Rani Mondal.
出版項 IGI Global,
叢書項 Advances in marketing, customer relationship management, and e-services (AMCRMES) book series,
標題項 Advertising;Internet marketing;Marketing research;Research.;Research.;Technological innovations.
分類號 658.872

Innovations in digital branding and content marketing /[edited by] Subhankar Das, Subhra Rani Mondal..--Hershey, PA :.--IGI Global,.--c2021. (1156781)
註記 館別/館藏地 登錄號 分類號/作者號 圖書狀況
預借 台北海洋科技大學/海空淡總 010020515 658.872/I58 在館中


Advertising by design :generating and designing creative ideas across media /Robin Landa..--4th ed..--Hoboken, N.J. :.--Wiley,.--c2022.
攻心 :定位策略 : 消費者心靈佔有率教戰手冊 /[賴茲]Ries & [屈特]Trout著 ; 張佩傑譯.--初版.--臺北市 :.--遠流出版事業公司,.--2001
Branded interactions :marketing through design in the digital age /Marco Spies & Katja Wenger..--Revised and updated ed..--New York :.--T & H,.--c2020.
Handbook of research on innovations in technology and marketing for the connected consumer /[edited by] Sumesh Singh Dadwal..--Hershey, PA :.--IGI Global,.--c2020.
Advertising account planning :new strategies in the digital landscape /Carol J. Pardun, Beth E. Barnes, Sheri J. Broyles.--Lanham, Md. :.--Rowman & Littlefield,.--c2020
Consumer behaviour and marketing research /[authored and edited by 3G E-learning LLC].--2nd ed.--New York, NY :.--3G E-learning,.--c2019
Understanding animal behaviour :what to measure and why /Sergio Pellis, Vivien Pellis..--Cambridge, U.K. ;.--Cambridge University Press,.--c2021.
Research methods for sports studies /Ian Jones..--4th ed..--Abingdon, Oxon ;.--Routledge,.--c2022.
Revitalising critical reflection in contemporary social work research, practice and education /edited by Christian Franklin Svensson and Pia Ringø..--London ;.--Routledge,.--c2023.
Designing objects in motion :exploring kinaesthetic empathy /Kensho Miyoshi..--Basel, Switzerland :.--Birkhäuser,.--c2021.
Virtual reality and light field immersive video technologies for real-world applications /Gauthier Lafruit and Mehrdad Teratani..--Stevenage, U.K. :.--The Institution of Engineering and Technology,.--c2022.
The role of smart technologies in decision making :developing, supporting and training smart consumers /edited by Eleonora Pantano and Francesca Serravalle..--London :.--Routledge,.--c2023.