• 中華民國 113 年 05 月 05 日 星期日

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書 名:Marketing and globalization /
作 者:Durand, Aurélia
出 版 項:New York, NY :Routledge,c2019
稽 核 項:xxiii, 571 p. :ill., maps, ports. ;23 cm
I S B N:9781138202337 (hbk.)
I S B N:9781138202344 (pbk. : 108年度教育部獎補助) :(NT$1438)
I S B N:9781315474175 (ebk.)
附 註 項:Includes bibliographical references and index
附 註 項:Globalization -- Internationalization -- Standardization and adaptation -- Geographic distance and psychic distance -- Cultural distance -- Administrative distance -- Economic and technological distances -- Bottom of the pyramid marketing -- Reverse innovation -- Mobile marketing -- Origin-based marketing -- Cause-related marketing
標 題 項:Marketing
標 題 項:Marketing--Technological innovations
標 題 項:Internet marketing
標 題 項:Globalization--Economic aspects
國會分類:HF5415.D867 2018
書名 Marketing and globalization /
作者 Durand, Aurélia
出版項 Routledge,
標題項 Marketing;Marketing;Internet marketing;Globalization;Technological innovations;Economic aspects
分類號 658.84

Marketing and globalization /Aurélia Durand.--New York, NY :.--Routledge,.--c2019 (1144159)
註記 館別/館藏地 登錄號 分類號/作者號 圖書狀況
預借 台北海洋科技大學/海空淡總 010019691 658.84/D948 在館中


Experiential marketing :integrated theory & strategic application /Rose Leahy, Pio Fenton & Holly Barry..--Los Angeles :.--SAGE,.--c2022.
Adoption and implementation of AI in customer relationship management /[edited by] Surabhi Singh..--Hershey, PA :.--IGI Global,.--c2022.
The role of smart technologies in decision making :developing, supporting and training smart consumers /edited by Eleonora Pantano and Francesca Serravalle..--London :.--Routledge,.--c2023.
Customer service marketing :managing the customer experience /Edwin N. Torres and Tingting Zhang..--Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ;.--Routledge,.--c2023.
Branded interactions :marketing through design in the digital age /Marco Spies & Katja Wenger..--Revised and updated ed..--New York :.--T & H,.--c2020.
Innovations in digital branding and content marketing /[edited by] Subhankar Das, Subhra Rani Mondal..--Hershey, PA :.--IGI Global,.--c2021.
Globalisation, policy and shipping :Fordism, post-Fordism and the European Union maritime sector /Evangelia Selkou, Michael Roe..--2nd ed..--Cheltenham, UK ;.--Edward Elgar Publishing,.--c2022.
Understanding global social policy /edited by Nicola Yeates and Chris Holden..--3rd ed..--Bristol, UK :.--Policy Press,.--c2022.
Virtual reality and light field immersive video technologies for real-world applications /Gauthier Lafruit and Mehrdad Teratani..--Stevenage, U.K. :.--The Institution of Engineering and Technology,.--c2022.
Smart ships /edited by Yang Xiao, Tieshan Li..--1st ed..--Boca Raton, FL :.--CRC Press,.--c2023.
The economics and finance of professional team sports /Daniel Plumley and Rob Wilson..--Abingdon, Oxon ;.--Routledge,.--c2023.
Challenges and opportunities for transportation services in the post-COVID-19 era /[edited by] Giuseppe Catenazzo..--Hershey, PA :.--IGI Global,.--c2022.